RECOACTIV® Recovery Immune Tonic for underweight cats

Schmackhaftes, hochkalorisches Futtermittel für schlecht fressende und geschwächte Katzen mit sehr hohem Energiebedarf

Sale price€31,90 EUR (€118,15/l)

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RECOACTIV® Recovery Immune Tonicum (number): 1
  • Over 10,000 satisfied customers
  • Natural ingredients
  • Medically tested quality
  • Outstanding acceptance
  • Local manufacturing
  • Auf Lager - in 1-2 Werktagen bei Dir
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    The satisfaction of our customers and especially the health of their animals are our top priority. That's why we offer all new customers a 14-day money-back guarantee for the first product purchased, in addition to the legally required right of return, so that they can get to know our products completely risk-free.

    RECOACTIV® Recovery Immun ist ein wohlschmeckendes, hochkalorisches Futtermittel für schlecht fressende und geschwächte Katzen mit sehr hohem Energiebedarf infolge von Krankheiten oder Operationen. 

    Untergewicht und schlechter Allgemeinzustand sind meist Folge einer unzureichenden Nahrungsaufnahme. Besonders häufig betroffen sind chronisch kranke und alte Tiere, die aufgrund von Appetitlosigkeit schlecht fressen, sowie Tiere mit Zahn-, Maul- und Rachenproblemen, die Schmerzen bei der Aufnahme von festem Futter leiden. Bei der hepatischen Lipidose ist die Nahrungsaufnahme eine Voraussetzung für die Genesung. Durch die hohe Akzeptanz, kombiniert mit hoher Energiedichte, unterstützt RECOACTIV® Recovery Immun wesentlich die Gewichtszunahme der mangelernährten Katze.

    Das Tonicum ist sehr gut verträglich und wird durch die flüssige Darreichungsform gut resorbiert. Es fördert den Appetit und damit die Nahrungsaufnahme bei Krankheiten und in der Rekonvaleszenz sowie bei allgemeiner Appetitlosigkeit und Nahrungsverweigerung. RECOACTIV® stärkt und versorgt das Tier auf diese Weise mit wichtigen Vitalstoffen, beugt Mangelerscheinungen vor und leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Vorsorge und während der Behandlung Ihrer Katze. RECOACTIV® Recovery Immun kann als Alleinfutter verabreicht werden und in akuten Phasen den Energie- und Nährstoffbedarf des Tieres vollständig abdecken.

    RECOACTIV® Produkte enthalten wichtige Vitamine und Spurenelemente und bestehen aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen in Lebensmittelqualität. Sie sind frei von Getreide, Zucker, Farb- und Konservierungsstoffen.

    *In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Tierernährung der freien Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin, wurde in einer wissenschaftlichen Studie nachgewiesen, dass RECOACTIV® sowohl die Aufnahme von Wasser fördert als auch signifikant den Appetit von Katzen stimuliert und eine erhöhte Nahrungsaufnahme bewirkt.

      High-calorie complete food for underweight cats with malnutrition and in convalescence (recovery)

    • Securing energy supply due to high-calorie recipe

    • Loss of appetite and refusal to eat due to weakness, illness and/or surgery

    • Gentle food intake for painful mouth and throat symptoms thanks to its liquid consistency

    • Facilitation of food intake if there are complaints in the mouth and throat

    • Increase in food intake thanks to outstanding acceptance, proven by studies*

    • Maintaining a necessary fluid balance



    Our cat (16 years old) refused her food. After several unnecessary visits to various veterinarians, a doctor has finally determined that our cat has Forl. We have been keeping our beloved cat alive for weeks with this tonic and can continue to give it to her (after checking the blood values) until the date of the operation. Our cat really likes the tonic. Unfortunately, most veterinarians are not aware of this great tonic.


    Our cat had surgery at the end of January to have a fibrosarcoma (tumor) removed and some bone and muscle was removed. Antibiotics and painkillers have weakened him and he has lapsed into anorexia. We fed him with a syringe for almost two weeks and he just didn't want to eat. Even the medication that the veterinary clinic prescribed to stimulate our appetite didn't help. We were at the end and thought he wouldn't make it. Our final straw was Recoaktiv. We decided to go for it because of all the good reviews. At first our cat wasn't happy about it either; we had to give it to him with a spoon. On the second day he slowly began to lick the medication from the spoon on his own and on the third day he began to eat on his own. It saved his life! We thought it was over. Anyone who struggles with loss of appetite in their furry friends MUST take this remedy.


    My 14 year old cat suddenly became inexplicably seriously ill and lost weight rapidly in a very short space of time. Then came an operation and the first heat wave in which he almost completely avoided food, in some cases even completely (in the summer he generally eats less but never that little!) and the weight continued to drop and he was just a skeleton covered in fur. Recoactiv recovery immune was the last hope to stimulate the appetite and nourish it again (without a stomach tube) and it worked! I only let him sniff it once and for the first time in a long time he was interested in eating something! Swallowed it away in seconds! Every day there was complaining because he couldn't wait to get it and always wanted more even if the daily dose had already been gulped down :D It smells pleasant and has the consistency of a creamy soup. He quickly regained the pounds he had lost.


    Our 7-year-old cat became acutely ill with pancreatitis and therefore lost weight very quickly due to the disease because he ate almost nothing. When he had completed the 3 days of acute therapy with infusions at the vet, I came across this high-calorie tonic. Not only does it allow us to mix in the crushed tablets and give it to him with a syringe, it also stimulates his appetite. With the advice of our vet, there are no objections to continuing to use the tonic, we have now ordered the 4th bottle because we notice that our cat is now starting to gain weight again, initially I gave him 90ml, now we are at 60ml and will soon be there 45ml because he is already eating very well. I can really recommend the tonic, even if our cat doesn't take it on his own, it went through the syringe perfectly. Top product, we are very grateful!

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