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Katze – Immunsystem stärken

Cat – strengthen immune system

A strong immune system is important so that the cat's body can protect itself against pathogens. The basis for this is formed by the first milk in the first hours after the birth of a small kitten...

HundHerzinsuffizienz bei Katzen und Hunden: Symptome und Behandlung

Heart Failure in Cats and Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment

Owners of cats and dogs want one thing above all else and that is for their pet to stay healthy for as long as possible. Unfortunately, this wish does not always come true. The beloved animal can s...

KatzeNahrungsergänzungsmittel Katzen – das ist wichtig

Cat food supplements – this is important

Cats need certain nutrients to stay healthy. These are usually all included in the complete food, which is also labeled as such. Depending on the cat's condition, age and physical characteristics, ...

KatzeKatze frisst nicht mehr

Cat doesn't eat anymore

Most cat owners know that cats can be picky foodies. You often have to try different types of food to find out which food the cat likes. However, if you observe that the cat constantly refuses food...

HundHerzinsuffizienz bei Katzen und Hunden

Heart failure in cats and dogs

How can heart failure in cats and dogs be treated? Guest article by Dörte Müller, practicing veterinarian

KatzeNierenfunktionsstörung bei Katzen: Symptome, Behandlung, Möglichkeiten

Kidney dysfunction in cats: symptoms, treatment, options

Many cats that have already reached the age of ten or more suffer from chronic kidney dysfunction. Accordingly, sick animals are often treated. Important: the special kidney diet.

Which product does my cat need?

Loss of appetite and after periods of weakness

RECOACTIV Immune Tonic

When to use? Appetite-stimulating dietary supplement for poorly eating and weakened cats and for hepatic lipidosisMore product information

How often? 10 ml per day. In case of acute nutritional crisis 3 x 10 ml per day

Duration? If necessary, the product can be given permanently. Fresh water should always be available.

Loss of appetite and first signs of renal dysfunction

RECOACTIV Kidney Tonic

When to use: Appetite-stimulating supplementary feed for older cats and those with early signs of renal dysfunction

How often? 10 ml per day. In case of acute nutritional crisis, 3 x 10 ml per day

Duration? If necessary, the product can be given permanently. Fresh water should always be available.

age-related/chronic renal insufficiency, with phosphate binder


When to use? Tasty supplementary feed for cats with renal dysfunction/CNI, with phosphate binder

How often? An average cat (approx. 4.5 kg) receives 10 ml per day.

Duration? If necessary, the product can be given permanently. Blood values ​​should be checked by a veterinarian at regular intervals. Fresh water should always be available.

For high energy requirements and renal dysfunction (high calorie) / for weight gain

RECOACTIV Recovery Renal

When to use? Tasty, high-calorie food for cats with high energy requirements and reduced kidney function

How often? Can be given pure as a complete feed or as a supplement to the feed depending on the intended use - see table

Duration? Depending on the application, permanent administration is possible